Regular professional cleanings help prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease. Plaque and tartar build-up are removed from the surface of the teeth and the pocket areas between the teeth and gums.
At Star Bright Dentist, your dental health is our top priority. To help maintain your healthiest and happiest smile, our dentist recommend that you visit our dental office twice a year for regular dental exams and dental cleanings.
A dental cleaning removes calculus (tartar) and plaque from your teeth both above and below your gum line. Even the most stringent at-home brushing and flossing regimen cannot fully clean your teeth of all tartar and plaque, but our special dental instruments get rid of anything that’s stubbornly clinging to your smile. We finish your dental cleaning with a thorough teeth polishing, which can remove stains and any residual plaque that did not come off during the rest of the dental cleaning.
Once your teeth have been cleaned and polished, our dentist will also perform a dental exam to ensure that you are going home free of any underlying dental concerns. This exam will address the following:
Diagnostic X-Rays
Dental x-rays are necessary for finding decay, tumors, cysts, and bone loss. For children, these x-rays are also used to diagnose developmental problems that can arise when new teeth are growing in.
Screen for Oral Cancer
Your dentist will check your face, neck, lips, tongue, throat, tissues, and gums for any signs of oral cancer.
Check for Gum Disease
The gums and bone around your teeth will be examined for any signs of periodontal (gum) disease.
Check for Tooth Decay
Your dentist will test the surfaces of all your teeth to ensure that no decay or cavities are forming.
Examine Existing Restorations
If you already have any fillings, crowns, or other dental restorations, our dentist will also check each of these to confirm that they are still in good and strong shape.
Once you’ve been given a clean bill of dental health, don’t forget to continue your valuable at-home brushing and flossing regimen!
If you have questions regarding your oral health, or would like to schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact our Lancaster or Palmdale dental offices.
During your initial consultation, you will receive information about your dental health, including a diagnosis, as well as the treatment needed to correct the problem, any risks associated with the treatment, the cost of care, and the time required.
We believe that you deserve to be fully informed about your treatment plan from the beginning.